
Breaking Habit Forming Behavior Is Just One Step Away





1. General Questions

2. Alcohol Preference 

3. Appetite

4. Cravings

5. Thirst 

6. Mouth 

7. Tongue

8. Belching 

9. Stomach 

10. Stomach Pain

11. Nausea 

12. Retching 

13. Vomiting

14. Liver 

15. Abdomen

16. Stools

17. Hemorrhoids

18. Head

19. Headache

20. Face

21. Eyes

22. Ears

23. Throat 

24. Trembling

25. Kidneys 

26. Heart 

27. Skin

28. Respiratory System

29. Female

30. Emotions

31. Talking

32. Tendency To Suicide

33. Fears 

34. Delirium Tremens

35. Delirium- Visions

36. Sleep

37. Feeling Better

38. Feeling Worse


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1. Appetite Questions

2. Feeling Full After Eating

3. Hunger

4. Increased Appetite

5. Poor Appetite

6. Loss Appetite

7. Altered Taste

8. Acidic, Sour Taste

9. Bitter Taste

10. Metallic Taste

11. Sweet Taste

12. Lost Taste

13. Thirst

14. Increased Thirst 

15. Craving Liquids

16. Cravings, But Not Feeling Well After

17. Feeling Better After Drinking 

18. Lost Thirst 

19. Aversion To Liquids 

20. Craving Certain Foods

21. Aversion To Certain Foods

22. Craving Tobacco


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1. Cravings For Caffeine Products 

2. Complications From Drinking Caffeine

3. Head

4. Emotions

5. Fatigue

6. Heart 

7. Digestion 

8. Skeletal System 

9. Feeling Better

10. Feeling Worse


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1. Appetite- Good

2. Appetite- Poor

3. Appetite Changeable

4. Aversion To Foods

5. Aversion To Liquids

6. Craving For Foods

7. Craving For Liquids

8. Aversion To Drinking Water

9. Thirst 

10. Feeling Worse After Eating

11. Feeling Worse After Drinking 

12. Emotional History 

13. Anxiety 

14. Fears

15. Thoughts On Being Alone

16. Your Character 

17. Anger

18. Tendency To Cry

19. Sadness

20. Excitement 

21. Memory

22. Mind

23. Thinking 

24. Talking

25. Writing

26. Working

27. Delirium 


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1. General Questions 

2. Demographics

3. Causes

4. Mind

5. Sexual Thoughts

6. Female- Menstruation

7. Female- Genitals

8. Female- Internal Organs 

9. Female- Other Health Issues 


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Sex Addiction-Male, Erections




1. Demographics

2. Potential Causes

3. Genitals: Sweat 

4. Genitals: Itching 

5. Genitals: Sensations 

6. Size Of Scrotum 

7. Pain In Testicles

8. Sensations In Testicles 

9. Penis: Relaxation 

10. Penis: Pain

11. Penis: Shriveled 

12. Penis: Other Issues 

13. Masturbation 

14. Consequences Of Masturbation 

15. Erections: Timing

16. Erections Along With 

17. Strong Erections 

18. Painful Erections 

19. Weak Erections

20. Impotence

21. Seminal Emissions 

22. Seminal Emissions Along With 

23. Seminal Emissions Consequences 

24. Semen Charcterisitcs 

25. Intercourse: During 

26. Intercourse: Ejaculation 

27. Intercourse: Weakness After 

28. Mind: Sadness 

29. Mind: Overstimulation 

30. Mind: Other Emotions

31. Sexual Desire: Low 

32. Sexual Desire: High 

33. Erections During Sleep 

34. Sleep Description 

35. Seminal Emissions At Night 

36. Seminal Emissions And Dreams 

37. Seminal Emissions At Night And Consequences 

38. Seminal Emissions Characteristics 

39. Headaches 

40. Head Symptoms 

41. Face 

42. Respiration

43. Heart Symptoms 

44. Appetite 

45. Stomach Symptoms

46. Intestines 

47. Skin

48. Temperature

49. Fatigue

50. Other Male Issues

51. Urination

52. Back Pain

53. Back Sensations

54. Extremities  


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1. Respiratory Problems

2. Chest Problems

3. Asthma

4. History Of Lung Disease

5. Minor Difficulty Breathing 

6. Moderate Difficulty Breathing 

7. Major Difficulty Breathing 

8. Chest Pains

9. Chest Tightness 

10. Chest Coldness

11. Chest Sensations

12. Spots On The Chest 

13. Dry Cough 

14. Severity Of Cough

15. Moderate Cough 

16. Severe Cough 

17. Expectoration 

18. Memory

19. Thoughts On Being Alone

20. Personality 

21. Excitement

22. Anxiety 

23. Restlessness

24. Being Capricious 

25. Irritability 

26. Being Sensitive 

27. Tendency To Cry 

28. Sadness

29. Shyness

30. Indifference 

31. Laziness

32. Difficult Emotions

33. Major Fears

34. Other Symptoms


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Weight Gain From Weak Digestion




1. Appetite

2. Changeable Appetite

3. Increased Appetite

4. Taste Of Food

5. Cravings For Fruits And Vegetables

6. Craving For Sweets 

7. Craving For Meats And Fish 

8. Cravings For Other Foods

9. Craving For Alcohol 

10. Cravings For Other Drinks 

11. Dislike Of Fruits And Vegetables 

12. Dislikes Of Fish Or Meats 

13. Dislike Of Other Foods

14. Dislike Of Certain Drinks 

15. Aversion To Water

16. Excessive Thirst 

17. Feeling Better From

18. Feeling Worse After Eating 

19. Feeling Worse After Drinking 

20. Mouth 

21. Breath

22. Gums

23. Dryness Of The Mouth 

24. Salivation 

25. Lips 

26. Teeth 

27. Tongue

28. Belching 

29. Heartburn 

30. Nausea 

31. Vomiting 

32. Digestion 

33. Stomach Pain 

34. Burning In The Stomach

35. Heaviness In The Stomach 

36. Cutting Pain In The Stomach 

37. Anus

38. Hemorrhoids

39. Stool 

40. Diarrhea 

41. Cause Of Diarrhea 

42. Diarrhea Along With 

43. Constipation 

44. Rectal Hemorrhage 

45. Abdomen 

46. Navel 

47. Abdomen Distention 

48. Gas

49. Colic 

50. Cutting Pain 

51. Pain 


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Weight Gain From Emotions




1. A

2. Alone

3. Anger 

4. Anxiety 

5. Aversion 

6. B

7. C

8. Changeability 

9. Company 

10. Crying 

11. D

12. Depression 

13. Excitement 

14. F

15. Fear 

16. Fear Regarding Health 

17. Fear Regarding People 

18. Fear Of The Future 

19. G

20. Grief

21. H

22. Hopelessness 

23. Hurried 

24. Hypersensitive

25. I

26. Ideas

27. Impulsiveness 

28. Indifference

29. Irritability 

30. J, K

31. L

32. Laughter 

33. Love of Life

34. M

35. Memory

36. Mind

37. Music

38. N, O

39. P, Q

40. R

41. Religion 

42. Restlessness 

43. S

44. Sadness

45. T

46. Talkativeness 

47. Talking 

48. Thinking 

49. U, V

50. W

51. Work

52. Writing

53. Y


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