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Mouth- Aphtha
1. General Questions
2. Demographics
3. Locations Of Aphtha
4. Color Of The Lesion
5. Blisters
6. Ulcers
7. Bad Breath
8. Pain
9. Salivation
10. Tongue
11. Head Symptoms
12. Tongue
13. Mouth Sensations
14. Fatigue
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Mouth- Appetite
1. Appetite Questions
2. Feeling Full After Eating
3. Hunger
4. Increased Appetite
5. Poor Appetite
6. Loss Appetite
7. Altered Taste
8. Acidic, Sour Taste
9. Bitter Taste
10. Metallic Taste
11. Sweet Taste
12. Lost Taste
13. Thirst
14. Increased Thirst
15. Craving Liquids
16. Cravings, But Not Feeling Well After
17. Feeling Better After Drinking
18. Lost Thirst
19. Aversion To Liquids
20. Craving Certain Foods
21. Aversion To Certain Foods
22. Craving Tobacco
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Mouth- Taste
1. Bad Smell
2. Bitter Taste
3. Metallic Taste
4. Sour Taste
5. Sweet Taste
6. Loss Of Taste
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Mouth- Thirst
1. Thirst General Questions
2. Increased Thirst
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Stomach- Indigestion & Heartburn
1. General Questions
2. Demographics
3. Causes: Food
4. Causes: Stimulants
5. Causes: Overexertion
6. Causes: Temperature
7. Causes: Other
8. Tongue Color
9. Tongue General Questions
10. Mouth: Bitter Taste
11. Mouth: Any Other Taste
12. Thirst
13. Carvings
14. Diminished Appetite
15. Increased Appetite
16. Nausea In General
17. Timing Of Nausea
18. Vomiting In General
19. Timing Of Vomiting
20. Urge To Vomit
21. Color Of The Vomit
22. Content Of The Vomit
23. Taste Of The Vomit
24. Stomach Symptoms
25. Heartburn
26. Belching
27. Belching With The Taste
28. Smell Of Belching
29. After Eating- Worsening Of Symptoms
30. After Eating- Stomach Pain
31. After Eating- Bloating
32. After Eating- Other Symptoms
33. Types Of Stomach Pains
34. Abdominal Pains
35. Abdominal Issues
36. Diarrhea
37. Constipation
38. Urge To Stool
39. Stool In General
40. Fullness In The Stomach Area
41. Stomach Sensations
42. Mind
43. Head
44. Headaches
45. Ears
46. Face
47. Fatigue
48. Sleep
49. Temperature
50. Heart
51. Rectum
52. Skin
53. Skeletal Issues
54. Feeling Worse
55. Feeling Better
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Stomach- Nausea
1. General Questions
2. Causes
3. Feeling Better
4. Feeling Worse
5. Nausea Along With
6. Nausea And Vomiting
7. Vomiting
8. When Vomiting Worsens
9. Vomiting Along With
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Stomach- Pain
1. Stomach Digestion
2. Weak Digestion
3. Pain In Epigastrium
4. Stomach Pains
5. Causes
6. Pain After Eating
7. Burning Pains
8. Cramps
9. Sensations
10. Emptiness
11. Fullness
12. Heaviness
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Stomach- Ulcer
1. General Questions
2. Ulcer Location
3. Stomach General Questions
4. Stomach Pains
5. Stomach Pains After Eating
6. When Stomach Pain Worsens
7. What Makes Stomach Pains Better
8. Vomiting
9. Content Of Vomit
10. Vomiting Blood
11. Emotions
12. Face
13. Dizziness
14. Heart
15. Digestion
16. Urination
17. Skin & Temperature
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Stomach- Vomiting
1. Causes: Eating
2. Causes: Movement
3. Causes: Other Health Conditions
4. Occasional Vomiting
5. Timing Of Vomiting
6. Demographics- Child
7. Demographics- Pregnancy
8. Demographics- Alcohol Induced Vomiting
9. Mind
10. Fatigue
11. Head Symptoms
12. Headaches
13. Face
14. Dizziness
15. Heart Issues
16. Respiration
17. Nausea
18. Nausea – Causes
19. Nausea Along With
20. Retching
21. Before Vomiting
22. Vomiting In General
23. Vomiting Amount
24. Vomiting In Certain Positions
25. Vomiting Blood
26. Vomiting Food
27. Vomiting Fluid
28. Vomiting Mucus
29. Vomiting Bile
30. Vomiting Water
31. Vomiting Other Substances
32. Consistency Of Vomit
33. Taste Of Vomit
34. Color Of Vomit
35. Smell Of Vomit
36. Feeling After Vomiting
37. Vomiting And Diarrhea
38. Vomiting Along With
39. Abdominal Issues
40. Appetite
41. Thirst
42. Mouth
43. Tongue
44. Heartburn
45. Stomach Pain
46. Stomach Sensations
47. Digestion
48. Stools
49. Skin
50. Temperature
51. Urination
52. Feeling Better
53. Feeling Worse
53. Feeling Worse From Eating
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Intestines - Bloating & Gas
1. Bloating
2. Gas
3. Location
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Intestinal Hemorrhage
1. General Questions
2. Timing
3. Bleeding Before Stool
4. Bleeding During Stool
5. Blood Description
6. Hemorrhage After Stool
7. Stool Description
8. Hemorrhage Happens Along With
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Intestines - Diarrhea
1. General Questions
2. Causes
3. Black Diarrhea
4. Bloody Diarrhea
5. Brown Diarrhea
6. Yellow Diarrhea
7. Green Diarrhea
8. Pain
9. Amount
10. Watery Diarrhea
11. Worsening From Eating
12. Worsening From Weather
13. Worsening During Theses Times Of The Day
14. Diarrhea Along With
15. Food Poisoning
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Intestines - Digestion
1. Weak Digestion
2. Stomach Digestion
3. Empty Sensation In The Stomach
4. Fullness In The Stomach
5. Heaviness In The Stomach
6. Stomach Sensations
7. Digestion
8. Hemorrhage
9. Colitis
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Intestines - Pain
1. Pain In General
2. Burning Pain
3. Colic
4. Radiating Pain
5. When Pain Is Worsening
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1. Gut Flora General Questions
2. Eyes
3. Nose
4. Face
5. Head
6. Convulsions
7. Respiration
8. Mouth
9. Tongue
10. Appetite
11. Nausea
12. Vomiting
13. Stomach
14. Diarrhea
15. Abdomen
16. Rectum
17. Anus
18. Stool
19. Abdominal Pain
20. Navel Pain
21. Hand Symptoms
22. Female Questions
23. Urination
24. Fatigue
25. Night Symptoms
26. Parasites Along With
27. Feeling Worse From
28. Feeling Better From
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Intestines - Peritonitis
2. Causes
3. Demographics
4. Fatigue
5. Fever
6. Mind: Anxiety
7. Mind: Delirum
8. Mind: Fears
9. Mind: Weakness
10. Sleep
11. Abdomen Distention
12. Abdominal Pain
13. Abdominal Tenderness
14. Abdominal Sensations
15. Face
16. Neurological Problems
17. Mouth
18. Heart
19. Stomach
20. Constipation
21. Diarrhea
22. Abdominal Issues
23. Urine
24. Urination
25. Skin
26. Skeletal Issues
27. Female Questions
28. Pain
29. When Peritonitis Worsens
30. Improving Peritonitis
31. Consequences
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Liver- Ascites
1. General Questions
2. Demographics
3. Stage
4. Potential Causes
5. Suppression Or Poorly Treated Health Conditions
6. Other Factors
7. Mind: Anxiety
8. Mind: Nervousness
9. Mind: Sadness
10. Fatigue
11. Sleep
12. Headaches
13. Head Symptoms
14. Eyes
15. Face
16. Face Colors
17. Respiration; Breathing At Night Or When Lying Down
18. Difficulty Breathing
19. Sense Of Suffocation
20. Other Breathing Issues
21. Cough
22. Expectoration
23. Lungs
24. Chest: Hydrothorax
25. Fullness In The Chest
26. Other Chest Issues
27. Heart: Hydrocardium
28. Heart Actions
29. Heart Issues
30. Pulse
31. Palpitations
32. Mouth
33. Appetite
34. Thirst
35. Indigestion
36. Stomach Sensations
37. Vomiting
38. Diarrhea
39. Constipation
40. Other Digestive Issues
41. Ascites
42. Ascites: Potential Causes
43. Other Abdominal Issues
44. Anasarca- Swelling Of Entire Body
45. Swelling Of Limbs
46. Swelling Of Arms
47. Swelling Of Legs And Feet
48. Limb Issues
49. Skeletal Pains
50. Muscles Issues
51. Skin: Oozing Liquids Through Skin
52. Dryness Of Skin
53. Skin Color
54. Skin Temperature
55. Swelling Of The Skin
56. Skin Eruptions
57. Color Of Urine
58. Sediment In Urine
59. Urine Characteristics
60. Amount Of Urine
61. Urination Issues
62. Kidney Issues
63. Bladder Issues
64. Female Symptoms
65. Male Symptoms
66. What Makes Your Swelling Better
67. What Makes Your Swelling Worse
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Liver- Gall Bladder Stones
1. General Questions
2. Pain Caused By Stone
3. Radiating Pains
4. Gall Bladder Sensations
5. Temperature And Vitality
6. Stomach
7. Intestines
8. Liver
9. Skin
10. Urine
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

1. Type Of Your Condition
2. Causes
3. Poor Liver Function
4. Liver Enlargement
5. Hepatitis
6. Cirrhosis
7. Mind
8. Head
9. Headaches
10. Face
11. Eyes
12. Nose
13. Respiration
14. Heart
15. Digestion: Taste
16. Thirst
17. Mouth
18. Tongue
19. Appetite
20. Stomach
21. Stomach Pain
22. Nausea
23. Vomiting
24. Stomach Sensations
25. Intestinal Issues
26. Diarrhea
27. Constipation
28. Rectum
29. Stool
30. Gall Bladder
31. Abdominal Issues
32. Skin
33. Skin Eruptions
34. Jaundice
35. Urine
36. Urinary Issues
37. Pressure Or Tension In The Liver
38. Liver Soreness
39. Colic
40. Stitching Pains
41. Radiating Pains
42. Other Pains
43. Movement Worsening Pain
44. Rest Worsening Pain
45. Worsening Of Pain During Times Of The Day Or Season
46.Pain Worsens During External Factors
47. Pain Worsens During Internal Factors
48. Fatigue
49. Sleep
50. Skeletal Issues
51. Female Questions
52. Swelling Of The Body
53. Weight Loss
53. Temperature
54. Pressure In The Abdomen
55. Fullness In The Abdomen
56. Temperature In The Abdomen
57. Abdominal Sensations
58. Feeling Better
59. Worsening During Specific Hours Of The Day
60. Worsening From Any Other Conditions
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

1. Type Of Your Condition
2. Causes
3. Your Emotions
4. Face Appearance
5. Headaches
6. Smell From The Mouth
7. Peculiar Taste In The Mouth
8. Salivation
9. Tongue Appearance
10. Throat
11. Aversion To Certain Foods
12. Craving Certain Foods
13. Appetite
14. Heartburn
15. Stomach
16. Nausea & Vomiting
17. Intestines
18. Diarrhea
19. Stools
20. Gas
21. Liver
22. Abdominal Sensations
23. Pains
24. Heart
25. Respiration
26. Lymphatic System
27. Skin
28. Urination
29. Worsening At Specific Times Of The Day
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Rectum- Prolapse
1. General Questions
2. Demographics
3. Timing Of Prolapse
4. Causes
5. Mind
6. Head
7. Digestion
8. Rectum
9. Rectal Prolapse
10. Hemorrhoids
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1. Rectum General Questions
2. Evacuation
3. Fissure
4. Urge
5. Rectal Pain
6. Rectal Prolapse
7. Prolapse Worsens
8. Hemorrhoids
9. Bluish Hemorhoids
10. Bleeding And Burning Hemorrhoids
11. Oozing Hemorrhoids
12. Hemorrhoids Feel Better From
13. Hemorrhoids Along With
Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

1. Stool
2. Stool Colors
3. Green Color
4. Yellow Color
5. White Color
6. Loose Stool
7. Worms
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