Heart & Circulation

Find Homeopathic Remedies For Your Heart 




1. General Questions 

2. Causes 

3. Demographics 

4. Eyes 

5. Ears 

6. Face 

7. Head 

8. Heart 

9. Digestion 

10. Skeletal Issues 

11. Skin 

12. Female Symptoms

13. Exhaustion 

14. Feeling Better From 

15. Feeling Worse From

16. Anemia Comes Along With 


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1. General Questions 

2. Location Of Aneurism 

3. Heart, Pulse, Circulation 

4. Respiration 

5. Remaining Issues 


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1. General Questions 


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1. Blood In General

2. Dark Blood 

3. Bright Red Blood 



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Chest Pains- Angina



1. General Questions

2. Potenital Causes

3. Demographics 

4. Emotions 

5. Fears 

6. Chest Constriction 

7. Chest Pains

8. Pains Centrally Located 

9. Left Sided Pains

10. Radiating Pains

11. Heart Beat 

12. Palpitations 

13. Stitching Heart Pains

14. Radiating Heart Pains 

15. Other Heart Pains 

16. Sensations 


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Heart Effusion



1. General Questions 

2. Demographics 

3. Stage 

4. Potential Causes 

5. Suppression Or Poorly Treated Health Conditions 

6. Other Factors 

7. Mind: Anxiety

8. Mind: Nervousness 

9. Mind: Sadness 

10. Fatigue 

11. Sleep 

12. Headaches 

13. Head Symptoms 

14. Eyes 

15. Face 

16. Face Colors 

17. Respiration; Breathing At Night Or When Lying Down 

18. Difficulty Breathing 

19. Sense Of Suffocation 

20. Other Breathing Issues 

21. Cough 

22. Expectoration 

23. Lungs

24. Chest: Hydrothorax 

25. Fullness In The Chest 

26. Other Chest Issues 

27. Heart: Hydrocardium 

28. Heart Actions 

29. Heart Issues 

30. Pulse 

31. Palpitations 

32. Mouth 

33. Appetite 

34. Thirst 

35. Indigestion 

36. Stomach Sensations 

37. Vomiting 

38. Diarrhea 

39. Constipation 

40. Other Digestive Issues 

41. Ascites 

42. Ascites: Potential Causes

43. Other Abdominal Issues 

44. Anasarca- Swelling Of Entire Body 

45. Swelling Of Limbs 

46. Swelling Of Arms 

47. Swelling Of Legs And Feet 

48. Limb Issues 

49. Skeletal Pains 

50. Muscles Issues 

51. Skin: Oozing Liquids Through Skin

52. Dryness Of Skin

53. Skin Color 

54. Skin Temperature 

55. Swelling Of The Skin 

56. Skin Eruptions 

57. Color Of Urine 

58. Sediment In Urine 

59. Urine Characteristics 

60. Amount Of Urine 

61. Urination Issues 

62. Kidney Issues 

63. Bladder Issues 

64. Female Symptoms 

65. Male Symptoms 

66. What Makes Your Swelling  Better 

67. What Makes Your Swelling Worse


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Heart Enlargement



1. General Questions 


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1. General Questions 

2. Blood Color 

3. Blood Consistency 

4. Bleeding 

5. Fatigue 

6. Mind 

7. Digestion 

8. Skin 


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1. General Questions

2. Demographics 

3. Pasive Hemorrhage 

4. Causes: Emotions 

5. Causes: Injury Or Strain 

6. Causes: Female Issues 

7. Causes: Other Causes 

8. Hemorrhage Location 

9. Low Type Of Hemorrhage 

10. Severe Blood Loss 

11. Pain 

12. Sensations

13. Timing 

14. Blood Quality 

15. Blood Characteristics 

16. Dark Blood 

17. Bright Blood 

18. Coagulated Blood 

19. Coagulation Process 

20. Mixed Coagulation 

21. Mind: Overstimulation 

22. Mind: Sadness 

23. Mind: Other Emotions 

24. Fears 

25. Fatigue 

26. Headache 

27. Head Symptoms 

28. Face 

29. Eyes 

30. Ears

31. Nose

32. Pusle 

33. Heart

34. Circulation 

35. Breathing 

36. Coughing Up Blood 

37. Digestion- Appetite 

38. Mouth 

39. Stomach

40. Intestines 

41. Urination

42. Urine Characteristics

43. Skin

44. Skeletal System

45. Lymphatic System 

46. Temperature

47. Pain 

48. Male Questions 

49. Female Questions 

50. Menopause 

51. Menses 

52. Worsening At Times Of The Day 

53. Worsening From Weather 

54. Worsening From Movement 

55. Worsening From Heat 

56. Worsening From Rest 

57. Worsening From Eating Or Drinking

58. Worsening From Emotions

59. Worsening From Other Causes

60. Feeling Better From Eating 

61. Feeling Better From Weather 

62. Feeling Better From External Factors 

63. Feeling Better From Warmth 


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1. Palpitation

2. Palpitation Get Worse 

3. Palpitations Come Along With 

4. Pulse – Slow 

5. Pulse – Fast 

6. Arrhythmia 


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1. Type Of Conditions

2. Stage 

3. Potential Causes  

4. Mind: Overstimulation  

5. Tendency To Faint

6. Sleep Issues  

7. Headaches 

8. Face 

9. Head Symptoms 

10. Heart Action  

11. Heart Sensations 

12. Palpations

13. Worsening Palpitations 

14. Pulse 

15. Stitching Heart Pain 

16. Other Types Of Heart Pain 

17. Chest Pains

18. Chest Sensations

19. Cough  

20. Difficulty Breathing 

21. Respiratory Issues 

22. Respiratory Complications 

23. Digestion: Mouth  

24. Digestion: Stomach 

25. Skeletal System 

26. Skin 

27. Urination 

28. Temperature 

29. Worsening during Times Of The Day 


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1. Timing Of Your Condition 

2. Potential Causes

3. Phlebitis Symptoms 


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1. Pulse 

2. Slow Pulse 

3. Fest Pulse


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Varicose Veins



1. General Questions 

2. Demographics 

3. Location 

4. Potential Causes 

5. Varices Appearance 

6. Ulceration 

7. Tumors 

8. Fatigue 

9. Heart 

10. Respiration 

11. Digestion 

12. Female 

13. Male 

14. Skeletal System 

15. Pain 

16. Skin 

17. Worsening


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