Skeletal System

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Skeletal System: Arm




1. Injury 

2. Timing

3. Changes On Imaging 

4. Hands 

5. Pain 

6. Cramps 

7. Hands Swelling 

8. Hot Hands

9. Cold Hands 

10. Hands Color 

11. Hands Movement 

12. Wrist 

13. Fingers

14. Joints 

15. Joint Swelling 

16. Joint Pain 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal System: Back Pain



1.  Injury

2. Continuous Injury 

3. Questions For Women 

4. Cause: Abdominal Issues 

5. Cause: Other 

6. Demographics 

7. Neck Stiffness 

8. Neck Pressure 

9. Neck: Weakness Of Muscles 

10. Neck: Sensitiveness To Touch 

11. Neck: Rheumatic Pains 

12. Neck: Other Types Of Pain 

13. Neck: Sensations

14. Thoracic Spine Tension 

15. Thoracic Spine: Sensitiveness To Touch 

16. Thoracic Spine: Spine 

17. Thoracic Spine: Sensations 

18. Thoracic Spine: Hot Sensations

19. Thoracic Spine: Cold Sensation 

20. Shoulder Blade Pain

21. Lumbar Spine Tension

22. Lumbar Spine Stiffness 

23. Lumbar Spine Pressure 

24. Lumbar Spine Pain 

25. Lumbar Spine Sensations

26. Sacrum Pain

27. Sacrum Pain Gets Worse 

28. Sensations In Sacrum 

29. Tail Bone Pain 

30. Pelvis 

31. Buttocks 

32. Limbs Weakness 

33. Limbs Heaviness 

34. Limbs Trembling 

35. Limbs Numbness 

36. Limbs Pain 

37. Joint Issues 

38. Muscle Stiffness 

39. Muscles Pain 

40. Other Muscles Issues 

41. Stiffness 

42. Soreness 

43. Pressure

44. Weakness 

45. Stitches 

46. Violent Pain 

47. Burning Pain 

48. Shooting Pain 

49. Throbbing, Pulsating Pain 

50. Constant Pain 

51. Rheumatic Pain 

52. Other Types Of Pain 

53. Paralytic Feeling 

54. Pain Sensations

55. Pains That Travel Upwards

56. Pain Travel Downwards 

57. Pain That Shifts To The Side 

58. Worsening From Movement 

59. Worsening From Rest 

60. Worsening During Time Of The Day 

61. Worsening During Weather 

62. Worsening From Internal Factors 

63. Worsening From External Factors 

64. Feeling Better From Movement 

65. Feeling Better From Rest 

66. Feeling Better During Times Of The Day 

67. Feeling Better From External Factors 

68. Feeling Better From Internal Factors 

69. Mind

70. Fatigue 

71. Head Symptoms

72. Eye Symptoms 

73. Heart Issues 

74. Respiration

75. Digestion 

76. Temperature

77. Male

78. Female

79. Skin 

80. Urination 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal System: Hip




1. Injury 

2. Timing 

3. Diagnostics  

4. Cause 

5. Demographics 

6. Demographics Child 

7. Left Hip 

8. Right Hip 

9. Pain Characteristics 

10. Pain Quality  

11. Pain Type

12. Radiating Pain 

13. Pain Location 

14. Inflammation Characteristics  

15. Inflammation -Pus 

16. Wound

17. Wound Discharge

18. Ulcer  

19. When Bone Is Affected 

20. Hip Sensations  

21. Thigh Involvement  

22. Buttocks Involvement  

23. Knees Involvement  

24. Legs- General Questions 

25. Walking Limping

26. Walking Stiffness 

27. Mind

28. Fatigue 

29. Sleep 

30. Head 

31. Face 

32. Chest 

33. Lymphatics 

34. Digestion: Mouth 

35. Digestion: Appetite 

36. Digestion: Thirst 

37. Rapid Weight Loss 

38. Digestion: Diarrhea 

39. Intestines

40. Perspiration 

41. Skin

42. Temperature 

43. Urination 

44. Worsening During Times Of The Day 

45. Worsening At Night 

46. Worsening From Movement 

47. Worsening From Rest 

48. Worsening From Touch Or Pressure 

49. Worsening From Temperature 

50. Feeling Better From Movement 

51. Feeling Better From Rest 

52. Feeling Better From Temperature 

53. Feeling Better From Pressure 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal System: Leg




1. Injury   

2. Timing   

3. Diagnostics   

4. Legs General Questions  

5. Legs: Heaviness  

6. Legs: Coldness 

7. Restless Leg Syndrome 

8. Legs: Weakness 

9. Legs Ulcers 

10. Legs Sensations 

11. Knee Pain 

12. Left Knee 

13. Right Knee  

14. Swelling Of The Knee 

15. Skin Changes On The Knee  

16. Knee Sensations  

17. Calves 

18. Ankle 

19. Feet  

20. Feet Temperature 

21. Feet Burning At Night 

22. Toes 

23. Feet Numbness 

24. Feet Swelling  

25. Feet Pain 

26. Left Foot  

27. Right Foot 

28. Heel 

29. Heel Pain

30. Heel Pain Improvement 

31. Heel Pain Worsening 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal System: Shoulder



  1. General Questions
  2. Timing
  3. Diagnostics 
  4. Injury Causes 
  5. Injury 
  6. Shoulder 
  7. Shoulder Numbness 
  8. Shoulder Pain 
  9. Shoulder Stiffness 
  10. Joint
  11. Joint Swelling 
  12. Joint Pain Worsening 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Achilles Tear




1. Injury 

2. Timing Of The Injury 

3. Tendency To Sprains 

4. Pain 

5. Sensations In Calf 

6. Sensation In Heel  

7. Pain Worsening 

8. Pain Improvement 

9. Sensation In Sole Of The Foot 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Arthritis



1. History Of Injury   

2. Length Of The Problem 

3. Diagnostics  

4. General Questions 

5. Acute Arthritis 

6. Location Of Arthritis 

7. Arthritic Pain    

8. Arthritic Improvement   

9. Worsening Of Arthritis 

10. Arthritis Along With 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Bone Disease



1.  Type Of The Issues 


3. Demographics- Child 

4. Cause: Presence Of Other Diseases 

5. Skull 

6. Jaw 

7. Mouth, Teeth 

8. Nasal Bone 

9. Ear 

10. Face 

11. Humerus  

12. Forearm 

13. Hand 

14. Upper Extremity In General 

15. Hip 

16. Femur 

17. Knee 

18. Tibia, Fibula 

19. Foot, Ankle 

20.Lower Extremity In General 

21. Spine Pain 

22. Chest  

23. Joint Pain  

24. Joint In General 

25. Type Of Bone Pain 

26. Aching Pain

27. Tearing Pain 

28. Burning Pain

29. Pain At Night 

30. Pain In General 

31. Bone Decay 

32. Bone Swelling 

33. Bone Fracture  

34. Periosteum 

35. Mind  

36. Fatigue  

37. Digestion 

38. Lymphatics 

39. Temperature 

40. Skin  

41. Ulcers 

42. Wounds

43. Wounds Discharge 

44. Wound With Pus  

45. Urinary Issues 

46. Sensations 

47. Worsening At Night 

48. Worsening From Heat 

49. Worsening From Cold 

50. Worsening From Weather 

51. Worsening From Movement 

52.Worsening From Rest 

53. Worsening From Touch 

54. Improvement 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Bruising




1. General Questions 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Bursitis




1.  Injury To The Joint  

2. Diagnostics 

3. General Questions 

4. Skin Color 

5. Inflammation 

6. Bursitis Along With 

7. Sensations 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Fibromyalgia



1. Chronic Skeletal Pain 

2. Acute Skeletal Pain

3.  Arthritis 

4. Rheumatism 

5. Rheumatic Joints

6. Causes Of Bone Pain 

7. Pain In Bones 

8. Head 

9. Neck 

10. Stiff Neck 

11. Neck Pain  

12. Back 

13. Back Stiffens 

14. Back Pain 

15. Pain In Lower Back 

16. Pain In Sacrum 

17. Shoulder Blade 

18. Shoulder Pain 

19. Left Shoulder 

20. Right Shoulder 

21. Arm 

22. Left Arm 

23. Right Arm  

24. Deltoid 

25. Elbow 

26. Arm

27. Arm Numbness 

28. Arm Weakness 

29. Rheumatic Pain In The Arm 

30. Arm Pain 

31. Wrist  

32. Hand

33. Fingers 

34. Pain In Hand 

35. Chest 

36. Stitches In The Chest 

37. Hip  

38. Left Hip 

39. Right Hip 

40. Legs 

41. Legs Weakness 

42. Leg Numbness 

43. Leg Pain 

44. Right Leg Pain  

45. Left Leg Pain 

46. Aching Legs 

47. Drawing Pains

48. Tearing Pains 

49. Shooting Pains  

50. Other Types Of Pains

51. Knee Stiffness 

52. Knee Pain 

53. Right Knee  

54. Left Knee

55. Ankles

56. Feet

57. Feet Pain  

58. Heels 

59. Big Toe Pain 

60. Toes 

61. Muscles 

62. Muscles Soreness

63. Muscle Pain 

64. Bruised Sensations 

65. Muscle Cramps 

66. Joints 

67. Small Joints 

68. Joint Stiffness 

69. Joint Swelling 

70. Joint Color 

71. Joint Pain 

72. Tearing Pain 

73. Aching Pain 

74. Shooting Pains In Joints 

75. Skeletal Pain

76. Aching 

77. Soreness 

78. Stiffness  

79. Numbness 

80. Erratic Pains

81. Wandering Pain

82. Tearing Pain 

83. Stitching Pain 

84. Extreme Pain 

85. Shooting Pain 

86. Drawing Pain 

87. Other Pains

88. Swelling 

89. Swelling Of The Joints 

90. Swelling Of Limbs 

91. Swelling Of Feet 

92. Swelling Of Hands 

93. Color Of Swelling 

94. Paralysis 

95. Perspiration During Pain 

96. Perspiration Relieving Pian 

97. Perspiration Not Relieving Pain

98. Chilliness During Pain

99. Fever During Pain

100. Pain During Seasons

101. Pain Depends On Weather  

102. Pain From Cold Weather 

103. Pain In Hot Weather 

104. Pains During Rain 

105. Pains Depended On Change Of Weather 

106. Pain Worse In The Morning 

107. Pain Worsens In Daytime 

108. Pain Worse In The Evening 

109. Pain Worse At Night

110. Pain Worse In Bed

111. Pain Affecting Sleep

112. Pain Worsens In Cold Weather 

113. Pains Worsens In Hot Wether  

114. Movement Affecting Pain 

115. Rest Worsening Pains 

116. Touch Worsening Pains 

117. Exertion Worsens Pain 

118. Improvement From Heat 

119. Improvement From Cold 

120. Improvement From Moving 

121. Improvement During Times Of The Day 

122. Improvement From Pressure

123. Pain Improvement 

124. Head Symptoms 

125. Heat Symptoms

126. Heart Pain 

127. Pulse 

128. Palpitations

129. Digestion: Mouth

130. Stomach Symtoms

131. Other Digestive Symptoms 

132. Respiratory Symtoms 

133. Female Problems 

134. Urinary Symptoms 

135. Urine 

136. Mind

137. Restlessness 

138. Irritability 

139. Fatigue 

140. Skin 

141. Sensations 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Fracture




1. General Questions 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Gout




1. General Questions 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Hernia




1. Hernia Types 

2. Femoral Hernia

3. Inguinal Hernia

4. Inguinal Hernia:  Left Side 

5. Inguinal Hernia: Right Side 

6. Strangulated Hernia 

7. Hernia Complications

8. Hernia In Children

9. Abdominal Symptoms

10. Distention Of Abdomen

11. Gurgling In The Abdomen

12. Digestion: Constipation Or Diarrhea

13. Digestion: Nausea And Vomiting

14. Pain

15. Burning

16. Colic 

17. Constrictive Pain

18. Sensations

19. Improvement Of Symptoms 

20. Worsening Of Symptoms 

21. Emotions

22. Fatigue And Weakness

23. Hernia Along With


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Injury




1. Injury In General

2. Cause: Lifting Heavy Objects

3. Sprains Caused By Lifting Heavy objects

4. Pain From Injury  

5. Injury Along With

6. Bruising

7. Injury To A Muscle Or Muscle Group

8. Muscles

9. Muscle Cramps

10. Muscle Pain

11. Muscle Spasms

12. Muscle Stiffness

13. Muscle Twitching

14. Muscle Weakness

15. Strain: Simple Or Complex

16. Strain Timing

17. Sprain/Strain

18. Tendon Or Ligament Injury

19. Fracture

20. Fracture Timing

21. Bone Injury

22.  Bone Pain

23. Contusion Of Spine

24. Tremors

25. Tremors Along With

26. Convulsions

27. Question for Paralympian


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Muscles




1. General Questions  


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Lyme Disease



1. Chronic Skeletal Pain 

2. Acute Skeletal Pain

3.  Arthritis 

4. Rheumatism 

5. Rheumatic Joints

6. Causes Of Bone Pain 

7. Pain In Bones 

8. Head 

9. Neck 

10. Stiff Neck 

11. Neck Pain  

12. Back 

13. Back Stiffens 

14. Back Pain 

15. Pain In Lower Back 

16. Pain In Sacrum 

17. Shoulder Blade 

18. Shoulder Pain 

19. Left Shoulder 

20. Right Shoulder 

21. Arm 

22. Left Arm 

23. Right Arm  

24. Deltoid 

25. Elbow 

26. Arm

27. Arm Numbness 

28. Arm Weakness 

29. Rheumatic Pain In The Arm 

30. Arm Pain 

31. Wrist  

32. Hand

33. Fingers 

34. Pain In Hand 

35. Chest 

36. Stitches In The Chest 

37. Hip  

38. Left Hip 

39. Right Hip 

40. Legs 

41. Legs Weakness 

42. Leg Numbness 

43. Leg Pain 

44. Right Leg Pain  

45. Left Leg Pain 

46. Aching Legs 

47. Drawing Pains

48. Tearing Pains 

49. Shooting Pains  

50. Other Types Of Pains

51. Knee Stiffness 

52. Knee Pain 

53. Right Knee  

54. Left Knee

55. Ankles

56. Feet

57. Feet Pain  

58. Heels 

59. Big Toe Pain 

60. Toes 

61. Muscles 

62. Muscles Soreness

63. Muscle Pain 

64. Bruised Sensations 

65. Muscle Cramps 

66. Joints 

67. Small Joints 

68. Joint Stiffness 

69. Joint Swelling 

70. Joint Color 

71. Joint Pain 

72. Tearing Pain 

73. Aching Pain 

74. Shooting Pains In Joints 

75. Skeletal Pain

76. Aching 

77. Soreness 

78. Stiffness  

79. Numbness 

80. Erratic Pains

81. Wandering Pain

82. Tearing Pain 

83. Stitching Pain 

84. Extreme Pain 

85. Shooting Pain 

86. Drawing Pain 

87. Other Pains

88. Swelling 

89. Swelling Of The Joints 

90. Swelling Of Limbs 

91. Swelling Of Feet 

92. Swelling Of Hands 

93. Color Of Swelling 

94. Paralysis 

95. Perspiration During Pain 

96. Perspiration Relieving Pian 

97. Perspiration Not Relieving Pain

98. Chilliness During Pain

99. Fever During Pain

100. Pain During Seasons

101. Pain Depends On Weather  

102. Pain From Cold Weather 

103. Pain In Hot Weather 

104. Pains During Rain 

105. Pains Depended On Change Of Weather 

106. Pain Worse In The Morning 

107. Pain Worsens In Daytime 

108. Pain Worse In The Evening 

109. Pain Worse At Night

110. Pain Worse In Bed

111. Pain Affecting Sleep

112. Pain Worsens In Cold Weather 

113. Pains Worsens In Hot Wether  

114. Movement Affecting Pain 

115. Rest Worsening Pains 

116. Touch Worsening Pains 

117. Exertion Worsens Pain 

118. Improvement From Heat 

119. Improvement From Cold 

120. Improvement From Moving 

121. Improvement During Times Of The Day 

122. Improvement From Pressure

123. Pain Improvement 

124. Head Symptoms 

125. Heat Symptoms

126. Heart Pain 

127. Pulse 

128. Palpitations

129. Digestion: Mouth

130. Stomach Symtoms

131. Other Digestive Symptoms 

132. Respiratory Symtoms 

133. Female Problems 

134. Urinary Symptoms 

135. Urine 

136. Mind

137. Restlessness 

138. Irritability 

139. Fatigue 

140. Skin 

141. Sensations 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Rheumatism



1. Chronic Skeletal Pain 

2. Acute Skeletal Pain

3.  Arthritis 

4. Rheumatism 

5. Rheumatic Joints

6. Causes Of Bone Pain 

7. Pain In Bones 

8. Head 

9. Neck 

10. Stiff Neck 

11. Neck Pain  

12. Back 

13. Back Stiffens 

14. Back Pain 

15. Pain In Lower Back 

16. Pain In Sacrum 

17. Shoulder Blade 

18. Shoulder Pain 

19. Left Shoulder 

20. Right Shoulder 

21. Arm 

22. Left Arm 

23. Right Arm  

24. Deltoid 

25. Elbow 

26. Arm

27. Arm Numbness 

28. Arm Weakness 

29. Rheumatic Pain In The Arm 

30. Arm Pain 

31. Wrist  

32. Hand

33. Fingers 

34. Pain In Hand 

35. Chest 

36. Stitches In The Chest 

37. Hip  

38. Left Hip 

39. Right Hip 

40. Legs 

41. Legs Weakness 

42. Leg Numbness 

43. Leg Pain 

44. Right Leg Pain  

45. Left Leg Pain 

46. Aching Legs 

47. Drawing Pains

48. Tearing Pains 

49. Shooting Pains  

50. Other Types Of Pains

51. Knee Stiffness 

52. Knee Pain 

53. Right Knee  

54. Left Knee

55. Ankles

56. Feet

57. Feet Pain  

58. Heels 

59. Big Toe Pain 

60. Toes 

61. Muscles 

62. Muscles Soreness

63. Muscle Pain 

64. Bruised Sensations 

65. Muscle Cramps 

66. Joints 

67. Small Joints 

68. Joint Stiffness 

69. Joint Swelling 

70. Joint Color 

71. Joint Pain 

72. Tearing Pain 

73. Aching Pain 

74. Shooting Pains In Joints 

75. Skeletal Pain

76. Aching 

77. Soreness 

78. Stiffness  

79. Numbness 

80. Erratic Pains

81. Wandering Pain

82. Tearing Pain 

83. Stitching Pain 

84. Extreme Pain 

85. Shooting Pain 

86. Drawing Pain 

87. Other Pains

88. Swelling 

89. Swelling Of The Joints 

90. Swelling Of Limbs 

91. Swelling Of Feet 

92. Swelling Of Hands 

93. Color Of Swelling 

94. Paralysis 

95. Perspiration During Pain 

96. Perspiration Relieving Pian 

97. Perspiration Not Relieving Pain

98. Chilliness During Pain

99. Fever During Pain

100. Pain During Seasons

101. Pain Depends On Weather  

102. Pain From Cold Weather 

103. Pain In Hot Weather 

104. Pains During Rain 

105. Pains Depended On Change Of Weather 

106. Pain Worse In The Morning 

107. Pain Worsens In Daytime 

108. Pain Worse In The Evening 

109. Pain Worse At Night

110. Pain Worse In Bed

111. Pain Affecting Sleep

112. Pain Worsens In Cold Weather 

113. Pains Worsens In Hot Wether  

114. Movement Affecting Pain 

115. Rest Worsening Pains 

116. Touch Worsening Pains 

117. Exertion Worsens Pain 

118. Improvement From Heat 

119. Improvement From Cold 

120. Improvement From Moving 

121. Improvement During Times Of The Day 

122. Improvement From Pressure

123. Pain Improvement 

124. Head Symptoms 

125. Heat Symptoms

126. Heart Pain 

127. Pulse 

128. Palpitations

129. Digestion: Mouth

130. Stomach Symtoms

131. Other Digestive Symptoms 

132. Respiratory Symtoms 

133. Female Problems 

134. Urinary Symptoms 

135. Urine 

136. Mind

137. Restlessness 

138. Irritability 

139. Fatigue 

140. Skin 

141. Sensations 

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Sciatica



1. Sciatica Timing

2. Diagnostics

3.  Injury To Back Or Hip

4. Sciatica

5. Left Side

6. Right Side

7. Sciatica Causes

8. Sciatica Improves By Assuming Certain Positions

9. Sciatica Improves By Laying Down

10. Sciatica Improves By Temperature

11. Sciatica Improves By Movement

12. Sciatica Improves By Walking

13. Sciatica Improves By Pressure

14. Sciatica Improves By Physical Factors

15. Sciatica Improves During Certain Hours Of The Day

16. Sciatica Pain 

17. Burning Pain

18. Sciatica Location

19. Feet

20. Swelling Of  The Feet

21. Toes

22. Hips

23. Right Hip 

24. Left Hip 

25. Legs 

26. Knees 

27. Lumbar Region 

28. Sacrum  

29. Thighs 

30. Posterior Thigh

31. Shoulder  

32. Sensations 

33. Sciatica Along With 

34. Weakness

35. Numbness

36. Stiffness

37. When Sciatica Worsens

38. Worsening When  Assuming Certain Positions

39. Worsening Caused By Temperature

40. Worsening Caused By Lying Down

41. Worsening Caused By Movement

42. Worsening Caused By Walking 

43. Worsening During Seasons

44. Worsening In The Morning  

45. Worsening In The Afternoon

46. Worsening In The Evening 

47. Worsening At Night

48. Worsening From Physical Factors

Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Sprain




1. Single Or Complex Sprain 

2. Timing Of The Strain 

3.  Sprain 

4. Strain 

5. Tendon Or Ligament Injury 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Tendon




1. Tendon Injury 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

Skeletal Conditions: Wry Neck




1. General Questions 

2. Causes 

3.  Pain 

4. Stiffness 

5. Improvement Of  Pain

6. Worsening Of The Pain

7. Wry Neck Along With 


Some Topics Cover 2 or More Pages

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